Nude Self Portraits and Sexual Harassment on Social Media

Recently, a group of self proclaimed hackers had issued threats to women over the content they posted over social media. A group of men, from Kerala, were private messaging women asking them to take down their posts which were 'objectionable'. These objectionable posts were about periods, sex and sexuality. The group threatened to hack these women's accounts, to post their nude photos and openly threatened many who came in support of the women. In Kolkata, the same happened to a woman. She was asked how much she charged for sex among many other things. Mayurakshi Banerjee spoke to WASH about sexual harassment in school, social media and nude photography for which she was sexually harassed and bullied on Facebook and Instagram. In her words, 

Let me introduce myself and it is not easy. I am Mayurakshi, and eighteen-year-old from Kolkata. But if you are expecting another teen story, you should stop here. I can't claim that I had a normal life like everyone else. One with friends and lovely parents and how everything went wrong one day. Because nothing ever was right. 
At school, I was the creep no one talked to. I was the ugly little, out-of-place idiot whom no one invited to play with. I used to sit at the far corner of the first bench wearing the biggest skirt that was ever manufactured. Everyone had such creeps in class, right? And everyone knows what happens to such creeps.  
“He he. Look at her ugly nose” 
“Ishh she does double braids!” 
“Look at her skirt! Look at her shirt! How dirty! How weird!”   
When I was introduced to bullying, I was in class five.Years went by, classrooms changed, my classmates grew up but hardly anything changed in my life. Playing lock and key during recess changed to gossiping about boyfriends, the boys in the class started growing moustache and I was still the creep of the class.  
I was habituated to bullying by then. I kept to myself and I never tried to talk to anybody. I sought solace in books. I read everything. From Chetan Bhagat to Charles Dickens to Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett. I knew the world from books and not from experience. 
My granny used to tell my mother “beshi poira poira maiyadar matha kharab hoitase! Uhare eddu baire mishte dao! karo loge kotha koi na! Ohon pagol hoila bujhba.” [She is going crazy reading so much. She should go out and mingle with people. She doesn’t talk to anybody. You’ll understand when she turns insane.] The blame was all on books! I wish I could tell my thammu, my ma and babai how desperately I craved for friends. How badly I needed to talk!  
But the need for human interaction evaporated soon. It was towards the end of class nine. My school participated in an interschool quiz competition and breaking my walls I joined the group that was preparing for the competition. I was the only girl of the team with 5 other boys. Four of them were my seniors and one was my classmate. We had to stay back for an hour after school was over. It was the 7th day of the fifteen days preparation programme. The teacher who helped in our preparation was absent that day but I didn’t know that.  
After the last class after everyone left, I climbed to the fifth floor to the big hall. The four seniors were already there. I asked them why the teacher wasn’t there yet. They said that she’d be late. I took out a book and sat at the far corner of the room, far from the boys. I looked up from the book when muffled sound of footsteps broke my concentration. There were twelve boys in the room. Four of them were my classmates. The only door of the hall was locked.  
They wanted to know what was beneath my big skirt! I ran form one bench to another. I screamed but the school was empty.The peon who was doing his routine check to see if all the classrooms were locked heard the racket and called the teachers from the second floor. When the teachers came my skirt was not in its place. I had a broken nose and I could feel blood streaming down my temples.  
The boys were suspended for a week. I couldn’t change school because it was class nine.  The principal told my parents that I was very quiet and that I never tried to make friends. His theory was that other students were likely to bully such students. It wasn’t just bullying though. My parents didn’t tell anyone because ‘Loke ki bolbe” [What would people say].’  

Shocked? Well, don’t be. We had written about sexual harassment in Kolkata’s schools earlier. This is not an isolated incident and the attitude of the authorities remains highly problematic. In this case, this case of sexual harassment was not even forwarded to a sexual harassment comlplaints committee. Most probably, the school didn’t have one. Mayurakshi entered social media after this and her years of being called a creep. She continued, 

‘After a few months of this incident one of my cousins made me a Facebook account. She thought I would feel less lonely. Like I said, I knew the world from books and books often create faulty images. 
I thought nobody would be misogynistic. I thought everyone was like me. I assumed people would accept me as the way I was. That people would understand what I was doing. I was wrong.  
My posts, my pictures… they didn’t really match the popular sensibility perhaps. We know that anything different meets with a lot of criticism. The same happened to me.  
People commented shit on my pictures because I wore revealing clothes in them. Every now and then somebody would save my picture and upload it on their profile with filthy captions. People called me a slut and a prostitute. Some asked for my rate for sleeping with them. And not just men, even women hurled abuses at me. I ignored. I was always very good at ignoring.  

Self portrait by Mayurakshi

The recent incident happened on Monday, May 23rd  2017.  A profile by the name Ar****m M took my pictures from Instagram without my permission and uploaded on his Facebook timeline with the caption “I don’t understand how can people call it as an act of shame. This is art!”  His post got 29 shares. Most of the comments on his post were ones which abused me. Before I knew it, I was the virtual attention seeker whore. 

Self portrait by Mayurkashi

They made fun of me saying that it was not a candid picture because I was holding the book upside down. Some threatened to inform my parents of the picture because no parent would be happy about slutty pictures of their daughter right.  
Well yes! I posed for the picture. I stripped and placed the camera and I clicked the picture and it wasn't a candid! It was a self-portrait. I like clicking pictures and I don't know anyone who would pose for me. Also I can't pay her even if someone agrees to pose for me. So I decided to click self-portraits. 

Facebook user threatening to inform her parents about her nude self portraits

I find body shaming of any nature a criminal offence. One of the comments said that there was nothing to be jealous about my body, if that was what I intended by clicking the picture! I think everyone is beautiful. Human body is more beautiful than anything else on earth. Even if someone is fat, with no thigh gaps and saggy breasts with stretch marks and birth marks here and there, I believe that they look the best when they don't hide behind clothes.’

Facebook user private messaging Mayurakshi asking her how much she charged for sex.

More than the beauty of human bodies in their naked state, we need to address this kind of cyber sexual harassment which happens every day on social media. There were multiple levels to Mayurakshi’s harassment and none of the policies of Facebook or other social media provide any solution to these. 
1. Downloading a user’s picture and uploading it as their own, without permission
2. Moral policing
3. Sexual harassment 

In her Facebook post where she spoke about the harassment she faced and in which she was further harassed she wrote thus.  

'I feel I am walking naked on Shyambazar seven point and people are throwing rotten tomatoes at me! Calling me slut, prostitute! I am ttrying to cover up myself
I am trying to run away. I am trying to vanish in a blink of eye but I am so powerless!
I am so powerless that I can't do anything to these people who are abusing me. I am so insignificant that I can't change the world
What's bothering me more than my own insult is my insignficancy my worthlessness
My weakness
I am weak and I can't stop these people
I am so weak that one day my shine will go matt
my beliefs will erode away and I wilill succumb to the popular notions
That's what I fear the most! I will not be myself anymore
I am not myself anymore
If I had been I wouldn't have been writing this'

May be this post also tells us the reason why Mayurakshi and most of us who have faced sexual harassment, bullying, mob violence and violence of other kind on social media never approach the police or ‘cyber cell’ as it is called. Mayurakshi confirmed it. 
‘I don’t intend to approach this cyber bullying and sexual harassment that I faced legally. I know the police and I know they will advise me to dress more modestly to avoid further harassment. They will consider me to be blamed for what happened! I still plan to ignore! Because I am weak. Too weak to make a move. Too weak to change anything at all. Sometimes I feel depressed. Everything is wrong! Everything has to change!’ 

We've got good bodies. Her body is nothing to be jealous of.

The photos of Mayurakshi which led to the sexual harassment and bullying have been reproduced here with her permission as an act of solidarity. We also think that ‘imperfect’ bodies should be photographed just the way the ‘perfection’ of size zero models is. The comment that her body is nothing to be jealous of is body shaming and also pointing fingers towards the accepted form of beauty. Women all over the world have started proclaiming their nudity as a political stance. Over here, people like Mayurakshi and many others get harassed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is the problem with people now a days they cant admit the fact that human body in any form and in any shape is the most beautiful art on this planet and people who dare to flaunt such beauty should be respected because they have a much broader mind than any of us possess . Being a photographer i salute her work as the pictures are extraordinarily beautiful and clicking such beautiful self portrait is not an easy job . So here is my salut and i would love to meet her and work with her in collaboration because she has some extraordinary tallent

  3. When she was in class 9 I was in class11 of the same school. So if anything like this happened in school I would've known this. I was the school captain that time so anything happened in school principal would've called me. And I must say this is total fake news. She's just doing for seeking attention.

  4. The main lie is that our school never ever participated in any kind of interschool competition. The main lie lies here.

    1. Thanks sreejan for pointing out d real truth.. Nowadays our society is overindulged in fake feminism..good work

  5. I am a proud student of A****** School and I won't allow anyone criticize my school by all this kind of fake news.
    Just read her post again,she clearly said that she was craving for friends but didn't got any. So as a result she started this posting of nude pictures to get attention.

    Media should better confirm any news before posting it.

    1. Wasn't the comments on her pictures and messages a harassment itself?

    2. Wasn't the comments on her pictures and messages a harassment itself?

    3. There is a place for posting this kind of pictures. Why social media? Society is social media. If society doesn't accept or understand these art then why post it there. There are teachers ,parents and everyone who still don't admire these poses. May be some fashion magazine is the right place for it.

    4. Society does not understand bcoz they r filled with narrow minded scums like you :) ... Try to change your thought and mindset instead of blaming a girl who did nothing wrong

  6. Reply to Crazy Tracy : Yes, the abusive comments and salacious messages is a harassment and it is also punishable under section 294 of Indian Penal Code... She could have approached to cyber cell but she stated " I don't intend to approach this cyber bullying and sexual harassment that i faced legally. I know the police and know they will advise me to dress more modestly to avoid further harassment." .. May be the reason for that activity is vague and the actual reason is different. Mayurakshi posting semi nude pictures of her on public posts on social media is also considered as an obscene act under the law. Section 292 and 293 of Indian Penal Code states that an obscene act would enter the domain of the state only when it takes place in a public place to the annoyance of others. So, she will be prosecuted too with these people harassing her under same law since social media is also a public place.

    Reply to Sayor Chatterjee. : Brother, nudity or showing off body may be an art in fields of modeling and these pictures fit in a model’s port folio or fashion journals but this is social media where she is posting. Our society do not accepts such vulgarity. Our society follows moral, not the ethics.

    Questions for Mayurakshi : Junior, you said “After the last class everyone left…. I screamed but school was empty.. Peon heard the racket and called the teachers from the 2nd floor “- (1)if school was empty then what were teachers doing there at staff room??? (Usually only headmaster stays after the school is over).. (2) if peon heard the racket why didn’t he went to rescuing you instead of going down and calling the teachers???? (3) if teachers were at staff room then why didn’t they hear your scream????...
    You further said “Some threatened to inform my parents of the picture because no parent would be happy about slutty pictures of their daughter right….. I believe that they(people) look the best when they don’t hide behind clothes “ – (4) If you are not posting wrong then why are you feared of your parents getting informed about your semi nude photo posting on social media???
    A message to Mayurakshi : A slut never put off her clothes to show off or to get publicity but for livelihood .
    A message to WASH : you are doing great… women in our society need voices against sexual harassment done against them … but you should also take care that a malpractice should not be encouraged in the name of voice for women.

    I have no intention to hurt anyone’s feeling or disrespect anyone.

    1. So, how do you find Deepika in the new rabta song or Priyanka in Baywatch movie? What about sunny Leone? How about raps by Honey Singh ?

  7. Mr. Indranil...

    I understand that you are having immense legal knowledge, as well as massive support towards people/institutions who are working against Sexual Harrasments.

    However, your post seems to have a directive towards what's right and what's wrong for the society. Primarily that's Moral Policing.

    Also, Exhibition in Public and in Social Media over FB or any other such platforms are two very different things. Exhibition in public (places) could subject people to forceful viewing of such acts. Social media, on the other hand let's you choose what you want to see an what you may not want to.

    Please choose your own poison and let people choose their own.

    "A message to Mayurakshi : A slut never put off her clothes to show off or to get publicity but for livelihood .
    A message to WASH : you are doing great… women in our society need voices against sexual harassment done against them … but you should also take care that a malpractice should not be encouraged in the name of voice for women.

    I have no intention to hurt anyone’s feeling or disrespect anyone."

    The above sounds more like...."Great work by letting people flush out their waste...but try not to be an A****le..."

    I have no intention to hurt anyone’s feelings or disrespect anyone. But Just saying...

  8. What is the meaning of slut? One who sleeps for money right.... Majority of them do it for their survival and it is the so called hidden truth of our patriarchal society. The only 'wrong' they do is by sleeping with multiple people. Then in that case there are many among us who have done it with more than one person so by this we all are sluts right? And now comes the society...majority of people who lectures around about our society is seen sleeping around with maids or gropping a child. So its got nothing to do with society or being a slut. We all are humans and we all have the right on our body. We can do whatever we want be it posing for modelling assignments, nudes or porn. If this society can hail for a pornstar then we r better off. And if you got a problem then simply shut your eyes... !

  9. The pictures of this girl Mayurakshi Bannerjee they are not vulgar actually they are stupid and makes no sense at all, I mean I really dont understand why she is posting such pics where almost 65% of her body parts are visible! Someone is saying that "...if yoy dont like it, then just shut your eyes..." then let me answer that person that shutting eyes will not solve the topic and will also not solve the problem. The problem or issue ( whatever we areare calling it ) has actually no sense, i will agree with Mr. Indranil Das that nudity or showing off body( for the purpose of commerciality ) may be an art in the field of Art or modelling and also fits a models portfolio but this is a social networking site. You cant expect each and everybody, from rickshaw-wala to CEO's of big comapnies to think the way you are thinking. Moreover, "...I can do whatever I feel like with my body..." these are utter non-sense and meaningless mentalities, if that is so then athief will also say "...I can rob wherever I want...", a rapist will also say that "...I can do whatever I will feel..." if each and everybody of our society will start feeling the same way then there will be no law and order, no one will respect elders and neither our elders will care us the situation of our disciplined society will get ruptured. Moreover moral policing, poking nose of someones so called " personal matters " this undefined statements have got different explanations and can be dealt with many practical theories but we should keep this thing in mind that facts should suit those theories not that theories be made inorder to suit facts. Moreover partriarchy is a problem nd have to be dealt with constant debates and arguements and not by egoistic rigidness.

  10. As I made my way through the comments I could not help but laugh at the sheer vanity portrayed by most of the people who posted them. I find it really amazing how most are trying to blame it on the woman here, scrutinizing her actions, trying and finding faults, trying to reprimand her actions instead of trying to look at a far bigger picture.
    With the little bit knowledge in psychology that I have acquired over the past few years, I must say most of you show signs of insecurity, will to employ controlled social acceptance and empathy deficit disorder. Don't worry am not saying you are a lunatic with a dire need of rehabilitation in some suited asylum, but then I would not mind the either way.
    You can say I am speaking too big for my boots, then am size 8 and these are mostly the teachings of Freud, Skinner, Satir and some others. So try calling them wrong, they wouldn't care, like didn't you.
    And what's more funny is the aforementioned comments, only 6-8 lines mentions the harasser. Reprimanding them is out of question here, people are so blind that they can't even condemn the harasser for their actions. Hats off!
    Thing is, if you don't want to change the way you think then don't expect someone else to change the way they do. This society we are living in is a flawed one and raised on false pretenses. If it wasn't, it wouldn't have had led to this kind of uprising. And people are scared to accept that. Sacred of the change it will bring. But it will come and the harder you try to prevent it the harder it will hit. Cause the only thing that is certain in this universe is change.
    So while you have the time, stop being a Homo neanderthalensis and evolve a bit!


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