
We are very happy to announce our first public event. And guess what, it involves paint. Yaay!

What is it? 
We are painting spots in Jadavpur University where sexual harassment had taken place. We will be writing ‘This is not a safe place. Sexual Harassment Happened here’ on roads, classrooms, corridors and all places where people were sexually harassed. 

How do you participate?
We will be starting at 4 p.m every day the coming week. That is, from this Monday (1st May, 2017) to  Friday. All you have to do is gather at JU with all the colours [white is what we need the most] and painting material you have and then we can all start. 

We plan to do the next episode of the same event in SRFTI. It’s really fun and it really means something. These are from an earlier episode at JU. Come everyone and paint themall. 

WASH painting at Jadavpur University. Photo Courtesy: Srishti Dutta Choudhury
