Hi all, we are here to share a terrible news. Mayurakshi Banerjee who had spoken about the harassment she faced in her schooland on social media has been threatened. She contacted us asking us to take down the article because her parents received a call from her school which blatantly threatened her. They said that they would go to court against her and that they would not give her her High School certificate. We, while standing in solidarity with her, would like to also state that
a) This act by the school is a serious offence and WASH will be now proceeding towards addressing this intimidation from the part of the school
b) Even when the name of the school was not mentioned by Mayurkashi (and WASH had not mentioned the names of any of the harassers even when the names were public on social media) they targeted her. Some of the comments from students who claimed to be from the same school accused her of seeking attention. If the school had to say that such incidents had not happened, they would have issued a statement saying so. You were instead, quick to issue threats to a victim and her parents who are not with her in this battle. How shameful. Your attitude towards sexual harassment is evident just from this action of yours. Please be alerted. This is exactly what we work against.
c) After the article was published, the harassment continued. Please keep in mind that these are serious offences. It is true that Mayurakshi doesn't want to go to the court of law for obvious reasons but WASH very well can.
WASH stands in solidarity with Mayurkashi. For every victim you try to silence there are thousand voices screaming here. Stop harassing the victim. Stop it right now.
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